Monday, January 16, 2012


So 2012 is here, and we are 16 days in. Over the past two weeks I have paused and thought (I had 20+ hours to do this on a car trip from Michigan to Texas!) about what I wanted this year to look like, what I wanted to accomplish, and most of all what I wanted to create. I reflected on how much of a blessing 2011 was for me from meeting more "friends" (etsy/bloggers), to the new customers and new creations, to a move to a new city. Every part of it was amazing. And I want 2012 to be better.

I know some of you have noticed how quiet I have been on facebook and that is not because of lack of caring at all, please don't take it that. This girl has been BUSY! Haha. And still working on some leftover Christmas orders. I have so many new things to show off (many are gifts so I need to wait until they are given before showing off) and so many new things I want to create this year.

Something Diane Made is not going to change in any way, shape, or fashion but it is going to expand. I am going to include more sewing items, some homemade collage cards, and maybe even some design items (since I did my sister's wedding invites last year!). Stay tuned for an exciting 2012!

And with this comes the need for feedback, as I have new items I am going to be looking to all of you for a thumbs up or a thumbs down. No hurt feelings, just the honest truth to make 2012 the year for me!

Thank you all for your amazing support in 2011 and I covet your thoughts and prayers as I embark on 2012!

p.s. you will be need to pardon all spelling/grammar errors, this is uneditted, straight from the heart :)

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