Hi! It's time for another round of Friday Favorites. And this time I have the lovely Jennie from Zipit Zippers guest posting! If you need zippers she is your girl :)
The post is a up a bit early this weekend because I am heading out for a girls weekend with my mother-in-law - YES!
Here you go...
1. Patchwork.
I have a thing for patchwork. I believe that anything looks good in patchwork. My latest obsession is everything at www.squintlimited.com.
(photo from www.squintlimited.com)
This girl is amazing AND absolutely adorable. She is from Dublin, has braces and plays the ukulele. Nuff said.
3. Keurig.
I LOVE my kcups. I am not a good morning person. I need my coffee in the morning. I don't know how many times I've stumbled to the coffee maker in the morning still half asleep and done something completely stupid like put whole beans in the coffee basket. The keurig is pretty sleep zombie proof. You pop your little cup in, pour some water in, and tah-dah! You have yourself one fantastic cup of coffee. There are a million bazillion types to choose from too which is always a bonus in my book. I do have to admit I have a bit of a kcup hoarding addiction started. I just can't help myself.
(photo from www.keurig.com)
I love them. All of them. Granny square blankets, granny square purses, granny square shawls, granny square scarves..anything! If I knew how to crochet I would sit around crocheting granny squares all day. I would cover my house, my car, and my kids in them. I would, really.
(picture from turtlemurtle on etsy - http://www.etsy.com/listing/68579707/granny-big-afghan )
We have this nifty little home sprouter from www.sproutpeople.org. It's great. They are just lids with mesh screens that you screw onto jars. All you need to do is soak a few seeds overnight, rinse em and shake em every once in awhile and in 3 days you have jar full of healthy, delicious, sprouts. AWESOME!
(photo from www.sproutpeople.org)
Awesome! Wow, I love those! and p.s. I have a kcup hoarding addiction too :)
Up next week is Paige from Pink Lemonade!
Any fun weekend plans?
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